Hawaii Continues Unprecedented Growth in Energy Efficiency

Daniel Pidgeon, ERS, for Zondits As most of us may guess, Hawaii leads the nation in solar panels per capita. But there is still a substantial percentage of the market that cannot participate in solar programs. To increase participation, the legislature passed a law mandating utilities to create community renewables programs. However, the utilities had … Read more

Energy Investments Get Results


Clean Energy Investments Pay Off Big Time, New Study Shows NRDC, November 15, 2016 Some have contended that driving down climate-altering carbon pollution inevitably means hefty cost penalties for utility customers, as renewable energy and energy efficiency replace fossil-fueled power plants (many on the verge of extreme old age), but my former NRDC colleague Sierra … Read more

Ways to Reduce a Company’s Energy Spending

company energy spending

The top tech to cut energy costs and emissions? You may be surprised Green Biz, March 4, 2015. Image credit: ErikaWittlieb Based on revenues gains last year in the various advanced energy segments — including solar, wind, gas turbines, biofuels, energy storage and building efficiency technologies — the last grabbed the biggest share of revenues, at … Read more

Is the Public Utilities Commission Killing the Rooftop Solar Market in Nevada?

rooftop solar

Nevada’s Solar Bait-and-Switch New York Times, February 1, 2016 In late December, the state’s Public Utilities Commission, which regulates Nevada’s energy market, announced a rate change drastic enough to kill Nevada’s booming rooftop solar market and drive providers out of the state. Effective Jan. 1, the new tariffs will gradually increase until they triple monthly … Read more