First Transcritical CO2 Store Opened in New South Wales

Transcritical CO2 Store

Woolworths’ first transcritical CO2 store, July 23, 2017 On 16 May retail giant Woolworths opened its first transcritical CO2 store, in Colebee, New South Wales. Designed for ambient temperatures of up to 45°C, fitting the robust system has helped to train local HVAC&R talent along the way, laying the foundations for future growth of natural refrigerant-based … Read more

Researchers Develop Prototype MultiPack CO2 HVAC Unit


Prototype CO2 HVAC unit developed with ejectors, July 6, 2017 In a competitive residential air conditioning market traditionally dominated by HFCs, the researchers hope the MultiPACK will help CO2 to become a commercial reality in this field of application. “We are looking for partners interested in a demonstration site (in a hotel, spa, etc.,” said … Read more

Regain Control of Unexpected Business Costs with Energy Efficiency

FOUR WAYS ENERGY EFFICIENCY HELPS BUSINESSES MITIGATE THE BURDEN OF UNEXPECTED MAINTENANCE AND COSTS One of the biggest challenges Rhode Island businesses face is preparing for the unexpected. Uncertainty can take many forms, and all can pose a great risk to a business. Some events, such as swings in the economy, changes in regulations, and … Read more

New Passive Design Solutions to Maximize Building Energy Efficiency

zero energy buildings passive design

Introducing the energy efficient Goldilocks building The Telegraph, April 12, 2017 We all know that large, glass-covered buildings are often too hot in summer and too cold in winter. However, as Prof Derek Clements-Croome at Reading University suggests: “Traditional heavyweight buildings are naturally cool in hot countries, as compared to lightweight modern buildings, which unless … Read more

Sensors and the Smart Building of the Future

beyond the grid smart building

Intelligent HVAC Systems Through Smart Building Technology Facility Executive, January 23, 2017 So what will the smart building of the future look like? Since buildings hold a wealth of data that facility managers should track and use, the forecast includes new innovations in sensing, analytics, and real-time automation. BuildPulse’s co-founder Jason Burt believes smart sensors … Read more

Performance-Based Energy Standards for Data Centers

Data Centers: Energy Efficiency and Maintenance ASHRAE, September 13, 2016 A newly published energy standard for data centers features a performance-based approach that is more flexible and accommodating of innovative changes that rapidly occur in design, construction and operations in that industry. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.4-2016, Energy Standard for Data Centers, establishes the minimum energy-efficiency requirements … Read more

Net-Zero Energy School Opens in Maryland

net-zero energy school

MD’s first net-zero energy school opens its doors Construction Dive, January 5, 2017 Maryland school officials opened the first net-zero energy school in the state on Monday, according to The Baltimore Sun. In addition to energy-efficient elements like insulation, a geothermal heat pump and programmable lights, Wilde Lake Middle School in Columbia, MD, also includes 2,000 … Read more

Drawing Power: Plug Load Management

appliances-plug plug load management

Plugged In: Trends in Plug Load Monitoring and Management Automated Buildings, July 2016 Equipment plugged into wall outlets represents an ever larger share of energy consumption in buildings, so naturally building pros are looking there for energy savings. Plug loads now consume about 15% – 20% of electricity in offices, and as much as 40% … Read more

Energy Saving Tips for Small Businesses

20 Energy Saving Tips To Reduce Business Energy Costs Conserve Energy Future Running a business can be a difficult venture. It can become even more difficult when you consider the different types of costs you’ll run into when you’re starting up. Employee salaries, benefits, products, rental space and much more – all of these factors … Read more

Selling HVAC Efficiency to an Increasingly Educated Consumer Base

Technique Matters When Presenting Energy-efficient Options ACHR News, September 26, 2016 In today’s marketplace, customers are opting to educate themselves on HVAC products via the internet prior to a contractor’s arrival. A recent American Home Comfort study from Decision Analyst reinforces this revelation, reporting that, for the first time in years, homeowners are more trusting of the … Read more