IAQ – Let’s Do The Easy Stuff First

Jeremy McDonald, Zondits guest, 4/17/2023 Since the onset of the pandemic, we in the HVAC industry have wrestled with far-reaching improvements to our HVAC systems. Increasing ventilation air exchange, implementing air cleaning devices, and related investments are all important strategies to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) and protect building occupants. However, recognizing that IAQ issues are … Read more

Proposed Legislation Would Pump Up the Heat Pump Industry

heat pump

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 5/31/2022 Many U.S. states offer tax credits and efficiency program rebates for the installation of electric heat pumps in homes and commercial buildings. Newly introduced federal legislation would provide tax credits directly to the manufacturers of such products. The Senate bill is sponsored jointly by Democratic Senators Klobuchar, Smith, Hickenlooper, Whitehouse, … Read more

Residential Sector Grapples With Lingering Effects of Pandemic

Patrick Hewlett, ERS The fact that our reality has transformed tremendously since the infection of COVID-19 is nothing new, and like many other industries, the world of energy efficiency is not the same as it was pre-pandemic. Much of this change has been brought upon by the shift of work and social lifestyles to remote, … Read more

Heating to Become a Greater Focus in Decarbonization Efforts

greentechmedia.com, June 5, 2020. Current conversations around the energy transition often focus on the power and transportation sectors. But decarbonization of other sectors, such as heat, is also critical to meeting national and regional climate targets. Heat makes up 35 percent of global energy consumption, and when it comes to space heating, direct combustion of fossil … Read more

LLLCs Shed Light on Future Commercial Energy Savings

This article was originally published on neea.org on Feb. 11, 2020. Commercial buildings represent about 19 percent of U.S. energy use; of that, about 20 percent is lighting. To take the next big leap in lighting efficiency, the Northwest is turning to a promising solution: luminaire level lighting controls (LLLCs). LLLCs combine LEDs with integrated controls … Read more

A Zondits Interview: BetterBricks High Efficiency HVAC Technology

Zondits recently connected with Maria Murphy, Senior Program Manager at the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), who is working to bring high-performance HVAC solutions to the market. NEEA is a collaboration of over 140 utilities and efficiency organizations working together to advance energy efficiency in the Northwest on behalf of more than 13 million consumers. BetterBricks … Read more

Efficient Heating and Cooling a Focus for NY Clean Energy Plan

New York REV

Clean Heating Is Part of NY’s Energy Efficiency Solution Written by Sneha Ayyagari & Miles Farmer, nrdc.org, March 16, 2018. Achieving New York’s climate and clean energy goals hinges upon a comprehensive and ambitious plan to increase energy efficiency savings in New York across all fuels. As NRDC and a large coalition of advocates expressed … Read more

The History of Air Conditioning and the Future of Thermal Design

air conditioning

Jesse Remillard, ERS, for Zondits A recent episode of the 99% Invisible podcast explores the origins of air conditioning (A/C) and how the widespread adoption of central air systems affected building designs thereafter. The 99% Invisible podcast is all about the things that largely go unnoticed but are essential to the modern world we live … Read more

The 3 Most Critical Areas of the HVAC Profession

HVAC Big 3: Sizing, Installation, Maintenance Contracting Business, September 5, 2017 1. The Importance of a Correctly-Sized System When you are installing an HVAC system, calculate heating and cooling loads using a recognized method (ACCA Manual J), and ensure you install the smallest sized system that will meet these load requirements (ACCA Manual S). When … Read more

Greener Standards for HVAC’s Are Becoming a Trend

HVAC’s Role in a Greener Future Contracting Buisness, Aug 10, 2017 As industries of all sorts adopt greener standards, HVAC professionals are doing their part to ensure climate control technology isn’t contributing to global climate change. HVAC systems account for almost half of all energy used in a typical American home. This means that these … Read more