Now You Can Use Your Renewable Energy Credits to Buy Gasoline Gift Cards

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2023 Gasoline and diesel retailer Finite Fuels, LTD has introduced a gasoline gift card that can be purchased with renewable energy credits. The card, which is available in $25 and $50 denominations, can be used at thousands of gasoline stations that sell Finite Fuels’ generic brand products. Francis Fable, the CEO … Read more

Next Big Energy Storage Invention comes from New Hampshire

This article was written by Brian McCowan, ERS, on April 1, 2020. New Hampshire history buff repurposes Trebuchets for peak load shaving energy storage Florent “Fritzy” Fritterman was hurling pumpkins at the reproduction castles he had built when he was struck by an idea. “I had read on Zondits,” said Fritterman, “about the growing need … Read more

AVM – A Small Solution to a Big Problem

AVM smog

Max Ma, ERS, for Zondits China has a big problem – one that is suffocating, blinding, and growth-stifling. It is the smog, and it is only getting worse. On days with the most severe smog, factory productions are halted, automotive transportation is limited, and schools are cancelled. In the densely populated financial and industrial centers … Read more

HVAC Startup Introduces Climate-Change-Friendly Ductless Heat Pumps

ductless HVAC heat pumps

Brian McCowan, ERS, for Zondits April 1, 2017, Dallas, TX. “My mother always told me, ‘Wally, when life gives you lemons, we Terras make lemonade.’” That statement from Wallace Terra introduced a new line of modular heat pumps designed to be compatible with a changing climate. According to Terra, of the startup Terrafirma, the heat … Read more

Really Big River Announces New IoT In-Home Sales Program

Big River IOT

Brian McCowan, ERS, for Zondits Earlier today, Really Big River, a new subsidiary of a large retailer that has not yet been identified, announced a new in-home sales program that is enhanced with the Internet of Things (IoT) targeted marketing. “Some of the older staff in our company fondly remember the door-to-door salespeople who visited … Read more

Ask the Experts: Clean Energy

Stephen Wagner, ERS, for Zondits Question: Is there a way to harness solar power where the sun don’t shine? Zondits: Yes, there is a way. With a complex system of 100% efficient mirrors as reported by Zondits on April1, 2016, light can be stored and moved to any location. Question: If a Peak Load Reduction were … Read more