Ask the Expert: What is the Business Model of a VPP? (Part 2)

Written by Jan Aengenvoort, Next Kraftwerke Welcome back to the second part of Zondits’ exploration of virtual power plants! Part 1 of the series provided a brief introduction to VPPs. In part 2, we answer the following question: What is the Business Model of a VPP? For a couple of years now, the role of the virtual … Read more

Ask the Expert: What is a Virtual Power Plant, or VPP? (Part 1)

Written by Jeff Perkins, ERS In this two-part series, Zondits will explore virtual power plants as an emerging technology that serves as a dynamic and boundless collection of resources. Part 1 will focus on defining what exactly a VPP is and how it is unique from the common microgrid concept. Part 2, brought to us … Read more