Undersea Turbine Company Wins $5.3 Million

Jesse Remillard, ERS, for Zondits In a small, coastal Maine town near the border of Canada, a group called the Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) has been testing undersea turbines to generate power from the large tidal flows characteristic of the area. The units, which resemble vertical wind turbines, are undergoing testing to further refine … Read more

Germany Hit a New High in Renewable Energy Generation

Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity QZ, May  10, 2016 On Sunday, May 8, Germany hit a new high in renewable energy generation. Thanks to a sunny and windy day, at one point around 1pm the country’s solar, wind, hydro and biomass plants were … Read more

USDA Supports REAP Projects with Increased Funding

USDA to Help 821 Rural Small Businesses Boost Renewable Energy Use, Save on Energy Costs USDA, July 11, 2016 [bctt tweet=”USDA is providing $43.2 million in loan guarantees and $11.6 million in grants through REAP.” username=”ZonditsEE”] [mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”300″ size=”18″ bg_color=”#1e73be” txt_color=”#ffffff”]Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced funding for 821 projects across the nation that … Read more

The North America Renewables Pledge

Ryan Pollin, ERS, for Zondits It was only days ago that we were telling you about how well Europe has been handling their carbon emissions reductions. Well, North America wasn’t far behind with a headline of its own. This week at the Three Amigos Summit, the leaders of Canada, the United States, and Mexico announced … Read more

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Reactors Replaced with Renewable Energy

California Solar Diablo Canyon

California Goes Nuclear Free As Diablo Canyon Closes In Favor Of Renewables Cleantechnica, June 22, 2016 California, the world’s sixth largest economy, has announced it will go nuclear free as it replaces the Diablo Canyon nuclear reactors with renewable energy. Californian utility PG&E announced a Joint Proposal with labor and leading environmental organizations this week that … Read more

The Obama Administration Shows Support for Renewable Energy

Jesse Remillard, ERS, for Zondits The Obama Administration showed its support for renewable energy, energy storage, and microgrids last Thursday, June 16, 2016, by hosting a Summit on Scaling Renewable Energy and Storage with Smart Markets. Both state and private sectors were represented at the Summit, and investment commitments totaling approximately $1 billion were made. The … Read more

Renewables and the Grid: What Happens Beyond 40%?


German electricity transmission CEO: ‘80% renewables is no problem’ Euractiv, June 8, 2016 When it comes to Germany’s switch to renewables, the speed at which it is happening is often said to be too fast. Is that right? We see ourselves as the Energiewende‘s guinea pigs. Our network in the north-east covers about a third … Read more

Community-Owned Wind, the Cure for NIMBYism

maine puc wind

Ryan Pollin, ERS, for Zondits Denmark is famous for its wind resource, and the small country routinely breaks record after record for wind energy and power records. Forty-two percent of Denmark’s electricity came from wind over the entire year of 2015, with surplus power exported to its European neighbors during 16% of those days! Denmark … Read more

Innovation vs. Mandates in the Energy Industry

energy industry

Energy: technology and free markets beat mandates The Hill, May 4, 2016 Bill Gates is the latest prominent thinker to suggest that it is wrong to achieve our clean energy goals with a carbon tax, or even greater government intervention in the energy marketplace. Gates believes we would be better served by focusing on the … Read more

Is a 100 Percent Renewable Future Possible in the U.S.?

100 percent renewable

This chart shows the United States’ mind-blowing clean energy potential Grist, March 30, 2016. Image credit: Greyerbaby The United States uses about 3.7 million gigawatt-hours of electricity each year. That’s an unfathomably huge number. But the next time someone tries to make the argument that 100 percent renewable energy is out of reach for the U.S., show them this image: … Read more