Charge While You Drive: The Rx for Range Anxiety?

on-road charging

Angie Ziech-Malek, Zondits staff, 6/17/2022 In what is sure to be a scene repeated in many households in many countries over the next few years, my husband and I recently sat down to discuss if we were ready to go all-electric for our next vehicle. Our 15-year-old car had lost its reliability and, given that … Read more

EVs 102: What You Need to Know

Taylor Patterson, ERS Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles As with any technology, electric vehicles (EVs) have their own list of advantages and drawbacks. Pros: Cons: – Elimination of tailpipe emissions– Minimal operational costs– Lower maintenance costs– Convenient at-home charging– Unique driving experience – Range anxiety– Recharge time– Accessibility of charging station– Higher upfront cost … Read more