“Convince Me” Series: To Accelerate Electrification, Energy Regulations Must Evolve

Annie Koch, DNV, 10/12/2021 Here at DNV, we have a unique understanding of the energy transition, which is of strategic importance to us as well as our customers. It is our fervent belief that the energy industry can and must take the lead in driving the energy transition. We discussed the hurdles with a diverse group … Read more

Small Municipalities Take Big Strides Towards Clean Energy

aceee.org, 1/14/21. An analysis of clean energy efforts by 30 small cities finds several leaders taking significant steps to cut energy waste and embrace clean energy—pointing the way for other small municipalities across the country to do the same. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) examined the cities’ efforts to make homes and … Read more

HFCs Banned in Certain Applications in NY Under New Policy

ammonia21.com, 10/12/2020. New York (U.S.) Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced on September 23 during Climate Week NYC 2020 that new regulations have been finalized to significantly reduce the use of HFCs in the state in the absence of federal regulations of the climate-warming gases. The New York regulations, originally proposed in 2018, will adopt 2015 and 2016 rules … Read more

Heating to Become a Greater Focus in Decarbonization Efforts

greentechmedia.com, June 5, 2020. Current conversations around the energy transition often focus on the power and transportation sectors. But decarbonization of other sectors, such as heat, is also critical to meeting national and regional climate targets. Heat makes up 35 percent of global energy consumption, and when it comes to space heating, direct combustion of fossil … Read more

6 Trends That Show Environmental Policies in Action… and Working!

This article was originally published on aceee.org, June 12, 2019. Major energy efficiency policies slashed US energy use by about 20% in 2017, saving a whopping 25 quads of energy —the amount used in California, Texas, and Florida combined. Two US policies now at risk accounted for the majority of these savings. Vehicle fuel economy … Read more