Will Direct Lithium Extraction be a Driver or Passenger in Electrification?

lithium mining

Matt Montalbano, Zondits staff, 5/12/2022 Electrification in the transportation sector will be driven by batteries. And for the foreseeable future, specifically lithium-ion batteries. With the demand for electric vehicles (EV) around the world on the rise, producers will look to increase lithium extraction to meet the market needs. According to a World Bank Group report, … Read more

The Lithium Ion Battery Market Expected to Surge

lithium ion battery

Race for renewable energy technologies charges lithium market Business News Network, May 7, 2016 Global adoption of new transportation technologies and electronics are powering massive growth in lithium-ion battery sales. Google has recently announced a partnership with Fiat Chrysler to develop a self-driving hybrid minivan. Uber, Apple, BMW, Audi, Ford and Mercedes-Benz are also moving … Read more