“Disobedient” Scientists Sound the Alarm on Climate Change

There's no planet B

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 5/6/2022 Scientists in the United States and around the world are using civil disobedience to dramatize the risks of climate change. Business Insider, the Huffington Post, and multiple other news outlets have reported on the growing frustration of climate scientists who contend that their warnings are not being heeded. “The scientists … Read more

Alia, The “Flying Battery,” Flight Tested

clouds from airplane window

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 5/6/2022 Last month, Zondits reported on Alice, an electric commuter airplane that is currently under development and is now scheduled to be flight tested this summer. A second airplane, named Alia, has joined the mission to bring clean energy to aviation. Alia, developed by Beta Technologies, is intended for cargo service … Read more

Government Report Details the Usage of Utility-Scale Battery Storage

battery storage

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/27/2022 A recent report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) on the status of utility-scale energy storage illustrates that battery storage is a proven technology for the shifting of electrical loads and improving grid stability. It also makes it clear that storage systems must continue to grow along with … Read more

Weather Report

heat wave

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits staff, 4/14/2022 There is enormous focus in the news on climate change these days and it has become a frequent occurrence to hear of extreme weather affecting some part of the world. Two articles caught the attention of Zondits recently that emphasize the imperative to implement decarbonization measures globally to positively impact … Read more

SEC Proposal for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting  

carbon emissions

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits staff, 4/13/2022 The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently released a proposed rule amendment titled “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors.” The rule changes propose that all publicly traded companies report greenhouse-gas emissions from their own operations, including the energy they consume (known as Scope 1 and Scope … Read more

‘Take the Long Way Home’ EV Ad Steals Spotlight

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2022 Electric vehicle start-up Stidnoz has hired the PR firm Norbera, Dwaas, Bolond, and Amadan to produce their “Take the Long Way Home” advertising campaign. The ad agency is well known for its television ads for a popular dishwashing detergent that urges viewers to run their electric dishwashers every day even … Read more

New Electric Car Travels 1,000 Miles on a Single Charge

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2022 When Zondits saw the announcement of an EV that could go 1,000 miles between charges, we imagined a small, low-power car suitable for city environments. We were wrong. Its actually a big, black (other colors to be introduced for model year 2024) Cadillac with an engine more powerful than most … Read more

“Don’t Say Solar” Bill to be Debated

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2022 The West Virginia Assembly is on course to debate an education bill that is being dubbed “Don’t Say Solar” by both opponents and endorsers of the landmark legislation. The bill, officially titled LD-F-001-ED, An Act to Protect our Children from Environmental Extremism (PCEE), was introduced in Mid-March by Representative Bernie … Read more

Electric airplane, Alice, set to begin test flights


Brian McCowan, Zondits Staff, 3/24/2022 Zondits has recently reported on electric snow blowers, mowers, and motorcycles. And now, here comes an electric airplane. CNN Business News reports that Eviation, a start-up firm based in Israel is in the final testing stages of their all-electric commuter aircraft named Alice. Alice’s engine was tested in January at … Read more

Update: Supreme Court Engages in EPA Greenhouse Gas Case 

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 3/22/22. This past Fall, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear a case challenging the authority of the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The case was initiated by the State of West Virginia and members of the coal industry and follows the controversy over the “Clean Power … Read more