Episode 5: Exploring Electric Vehicles – Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Combustion Engines

electric vehicles

Season 1: Episode 5 | January 3, 2020 Electric vehicles are gaining in market share across the USA, but the transition presents its own set of challenges for utility and city infrastructure. Gita and Elihu speak with Walter Schaefer, ERS, on the roadmap for electric vehicles. Featured image by Marek Studzinski from Pixabay

Do You Know How Much You Pay to Charge Your Electric Car?

Milana Pakes, ERS Currently, they only make up a small percentage of the volume of cars sold globally, but by 2040 they are expected to account for 57% of annual car sales. With EVs and charging stations rapidly popping up all over the nation, it’s getting easier to make the switch from fossil-fuel-reliant to electric, … Read more

Forecasts Predict a Boom in EV Buses

Electrify America

E-Buses to Surge Even Faster Than EVs as Conventional Vehicles Fade Bloomberg New Energy Finance, about.bnef.com, May 21, 2018 The electrification of road transport will move into top gear in the second half of the 2020s, thanks to tumbling battery costs and larger-scale manufacturing, with sales of electric cars racing to 28%, and those of … Read more

2018 Expected to Be the Year of Electric Vehicles (EV)


As electric vehicles gain favor, utilities can accelerate EV adoption ACEEE, Februray 13, 2018 As new models with longer ranges, state-of-the-art features, and lower prices enter the market, 2018 is widely expected to be the year of the electric vehicles (EV). US auto companies now offer more than 40 plug-in vehicle models, with more to come, and … Read more

Con Edison’s SmartCharge Program Rewards EV Owners

An electric utility will pay EV owners 5 cent per kWh of charging during off-peak hours Electrek, April 17, 2017 We previously reported on several reward programs for electric vehicles owners charging during off-peak hours, like BMW’s program in California and the Netherlands is trying to make it a nationwide standard for EVs, but now we … Read more

Volkswagen and CARB Ready the Diesel-Gate Penance Program, “Electrify America”

Electrify America

Ryan Pollin, ERS, for Zondits Remember Diesel-Gate? Volkswagen engineers and executives had been lying about the carbon intensity of their diesel vehicles for years – they did not crack the “clean diesel” formula, they just faked it. Carbon reparations are being litigated all over the world, and here in the states, the California Air Resources … Read more

Transforming the Way America Travels

Driving Out Pollution: How Utilities Can Accelerate the Market for Electric Vehicles NRDC, June 16, 2016 The transportation sector accounts for one-third of U.S. carbon pollution. But with the right policies, electric vehicles could transform the way America travels—while saving us money and protecting our health, environment, and economy. Currently, the electric vehicle market is … Read more