EV History Part IV: 200 Years Later, Batteries Remain the Weak Link of EVs

Craig Farrand, Zondits guest, 10/19/2022 When Robert Anderson strapped a non-rechargeable battery and motor onto a carriage nearly 200 years ago (arguably driving the first EV) it also started a scientific frenzy to determine how to extend the life of batteries used for transportation. And here we are, two centuries later, and the frenzy continues … Read more

EV History Part I: The Story of the Electric Vehicle is Nearly 200 Years Old

Craig Farrand, Zondits guest, 9/21/2022 This is the first in a multi-part series on the history of the electric vehicle. In the beginning, there was the hand crank. NOT! Contrary to schoolbook history — and silent movies — some of the earliest iterations of the “horseless carriage” required no such effort: they were electric. And … Read more

The Death of Detroit’s Electric Streetcars

Detroit streetcar

Craig Farrand, Zondits guest, 8/23/2022 Before there were personal electric vehicles (EVs) there were electric streetcars. In Detroit, the first electric streetcars went into service in 1886 — 10 years before Henry Ford took his first trial run in a small, four-wheeled vehicle he called a “Quadricycle,” and long before Detroit became the “Motor City” … Read more

EV Charging Access is Expanding in the Most Unexpected Region: the Midwest

Craig Farrand, Zondits guest, 8/15/2022 It’s well publicized that California leads the nation in electric vehicle ownership, with EVs representing 23.2% of all vehicles on the road. So, who would have suspected that the Midwest would be a region with one of the most aggressive plans to put more EVs on the road — by … Read more

Toyota Defends its Decision to Pursue Multiple Paths to Clean Vehicles

Toyota EV

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 7/18/2022 Toyota has been under increasing criticism for not moving as fast as other manufacturers in developing and marketing EVs. Once considered a leader in cleaner automobiles with the introduction of the hybrid Prius in 1997 followed by a plug-in hybrid Prius, climate-conscious consumers have increasingly turned their attention toward 100% … Read more

Formula E – A Racing Testbed for Electric Vehicles

formula E

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 6/27/2022 For proponents of clean energy, the sport of automobile racing has always been a controversial subject. For some, it is a waste of precious energy resources, but others view it as contributing valuable research and development (R&D) for improving the efficiency of automobiles. That discussion has recently taken on a … Read more

‘Take the Long Way Home’ EV Ad Steals Spotlight

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2022 Electric vehicle start-up Stidnoz has hired the PR firm Norbera, Dwaas, Bolond, and Amadan to produce their “Take the Long Way Home” advertising campaign. The ad agency is well known for its television ads for a popular dishwashing detergent that urges viewers to run their electric dishwashers every day even … Read more

New Electric Car Travels 1,000 Miles on a Single Charge

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2022 When Zondits saw the announcement of an EV that could go 1,000 miles between charges, we imagined a small, low-power car suitable for city environments. We were wrong. Its actually a big, black (other colors to be introduced for model year 2024) Cadillac with an engine more powerful than most … Read more

EV and EV Infrastructure Have Promising Future Under Biden

dnv.com, 4/20/22. President Biden announced the most extensive plan this nation has ever seen for the electric vehicle (EV) industry. He kept his campaign promise to invest in a more sustainable future by proposing the investment of over $174 billion in the EV market. That budget will be responsible for building out a new network of 500,000 EV … Read more