New Energy Storage Safety Standards Set to Move Forward

Energy Storage Safety Standards

Gita Subramony, ERS, for Zondits Energy storage has been a trending technology in recent years. With prices for lithium-ion batteries rapidly decreasing, energy storage solutions are poised to move forward rapidly. Storage applications in urban environments such as New York City have been garnering attention, although safety, permitting, and siting have been barriers to implementation. … Read more

New York is Spurring the Deployment of Energy Storage

energy storage

Samantha Leroy, ERS, for Zondits When establishing Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) in 2014, Governor Andrew Cuomo set aggressive and exacting energy generation, usage, and efficiency targets for the Empire State. Targets set to be achieved by 2030 include a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the 1990s, 50% of electricity generated from renewable … Read more

Solar Eclipse Highlights Need for More Grid Resiliency

grid resiliency electrical-smart-grid-brillio

Lisa Markowski, ERS, for Zondits Utility companies nationwide were more than adequately prepared for increased grid demand caused by drop-offs in solar power generation during the August 21 eclipse. Nevertheless, the phenomenon shined light on the need for overall grid flexibility for managing short-term fluctuations in demand. Customers were expected to use more power during … Read more

CUNY Works to Streamline Solar + Storage in NYC

solar + storage

Gita Subramony, ERS, for Zondits Zondits spoke with the team at Sustainable CUNY, of the City University of New York on their role in streamlining solar and solar + storage installations in NYC. Sustainable CUNY has been working on reducing barriers to solar installations in NYC since 2006 and is also working to incorporate energy … Read more

Distributed Energy Resources and Energy Storage: A View from New York

FERC Distributed Energy Resources DER

 Mark D’Antonio, ERS, for Zondits As the demands on the electric grid continually evolve and as there is greater consideration of temporal and locational capacity needs, distributed energy resources (DER) and energy storage (ES) systems are increasingly being considered for a multitude of applications on either side of the meter. Capacity deferral, generation mix, demand … Read more

Is Battery Storage the Solution for Today’s Grid Challenges?

battery storage

Is the Battery Rush Distracting Us From Better Energy Storage Options for the Grid? Batteries are helping the grid everywhere from Aliso Canyon to South Australia. But some are concerned that battery-based storage might not be the universal panacea that evangelists believe. Launching the Tesla Powerwall in 2015, for example, Elon Musk claimed: “The size … Read more

The Role of Energy Storage in the Rise in Renewables

battery-systems energy storage

How Batteries Could Revolutionize Renewable Energy Time, May 1, 2017 All over California, there’s evidence of the state’s goal to lead the country in renewable energy. Enormous farms of shiny solar panels have popped up across southern California, and gigantic wind turbines dot the landscape outside nearly all the major cities. There are less flashy—and … Read more

New York Approves Integrating More DER Into the Grid

New York Public Service Commission scraps net metering and approves new rates structure to value DER PV Tech, March 10, 2017 The New York Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved a new rate structure for distributed energy resources (DER) that is set to more accurately value and compensate for solar, while also boosting energy storage … Read more

A Testing Ground for Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage

utility-scale battery

Jesse Remillard, ERS, for Zondits Southern California is becoming a high-stakes testing ground for utility-scale battery energy storage. The energy storage provider AES has secured two contracts totaling 37.5 MW (150 MWh) that will be critical for San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) to meet its peak demands. The AES press release states that the two … Read more

FERC Moves to Integrate Energy Storage into National Wholesale Markets

FERC Distributed Energy Resources DER

Jesse Remillard, ERS, for Zondits Over the last few years, the Federal Energy Regulation Committee (FERC) has been implementing policy to build energy storage into electricity markets. FERC Order 745, which required grid regulators to allow energy storage resources to bid into wholesale markets, was initially passed in 2012. In 2014, Order 745 was challenged … Read more