“We are not mandating anyone to give up their gas stove. Those who tell you otherwise are wrong and spreading lies.”

New Jersey Board of Public Utilities President, Joseph Fiordaliso, said “We are not mandating anyone to give up their gas stove. Those who tell you otherwise are wrong and spreading lies.” Read the full article here: New Jersey BPU advances building electrification over opposition from fossil fuel supporters | Utility Dive

Considering Grid Impact as Electric Vehicle Adoption Explodes

GianGabriel Masoni Dobles, Zondits staff, 7/5/2023 Originally published for Utility Analytics Institute, Zondits received approval to repost the following article about grid impacts from electric vehicles. A group of analytics professionals and experts in electric vehicle adoption and grid integration pooled their insights on the best practices to overcome the challenging obstacles of electric vehicle … Read more

The Custom Conundrum: Accelerating Building Electrification

GianGabriel Masoni Dobles, Zondits staff, 6/27/2023 Valerie Nibler, Zondits contributor Energy efficiency efforts have made a significant shift toward building electrification in recent years, as the transition to clean renewable energy sources has moved front and center. For single-family homes, the effort has focused on heat pumps for space and water heating as well as … Read more

“We’ve got to have these conversations years in advance, not three months in advance… addressing the problems of getting to scale, and then sustaining scale when we get there.”

“We’ve got to have these conversations years in advance, not three months in advance,” EPRI Director of Transportation Britta Gross said. “it’s all about addressing the problems of getting to scale, and then sustaining scale when we get there,” Gross said. Read the full article from Utility Dive EPRI launches 3-year initiative to address grid constraints, … Read more

“There are people who say this is impossible, and people who say this isn’t challenging at all. I’d say it’s somewhere in between: It’s challenging, but it’s not impossible.”

Ben Haley, an energy expert and co-founder of Evolved Energy Research said, “There are people who say this is impossible, and people who say this isn’t challenging at all. I’d say it’s somewhere in between: It’s challenging, but it’s not impossible.” Read the full article from the New York Times How Electrifying Everything Became a … Read more

Silent Giants: Electrification on the Warehouse Floor

Gian-Gabriel Masoni Dobles, Contributing Writer, Zondits  5/2/2023 Wes Whited, Zondits contributor Throughout industry, forklifts are everywhere. Statistical research firms estimate that nearly 1.5 million forklifts are sold every year, worldwide. And forklifts represent a huge opportunity in the transition to clean energy. How so? Forklifts are powered by either fossil fuel (gasoline, diesel, propane) engines or electric … Read more

Smart Panels. How Smart Are They?

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits staff, 2/28/2023 There is a growing mantra amongst climate change advocates to “electrify everything”; predicated on the assumption that the power generation mix will increasingly become cleaner as fossil fuel use declines and is replaced with low-carbon sources. The residential sector is one segment targeted to be “electrified” with burgeoning technologies such … Read more

The Role of Gas Utilities in an Electrified Nation

Matt Montalbano, Zondits guest, 12/28/2022 Climate action plans (CAPs) have been released or are in the process of being developed by 33 states with the aim to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The amount of GHG emission reductions and the timeline to achieve them varies by state, but states share many of the same strategies … Read more

EVs May Challenge the Nation’s Electric Grid, But May Also Help

Craig Farrand, Zondits guest, 11/29/2022 As the Rolling Stones once sang, “Ti-i-i-me, is on my side, yes, it is!” And the same can be said for the challenge facing the nation’s electric grid when it comes to handling the ever-increasing demand of electric vehicle charging at home and on the road. Clearly, EVs are and … Read more