A Massive Heavy-Duty Vehicle Charging Network Is Underway

Brian McCowan, Zondits Staff, 2/16/2022. The media focus on electric cars has been relatively intense this past year. Now, interest in electric heavy-duty vehicles such as buses and trucks is growing. All major manufacturers of long-haul trucks have announced plans to produce electric rechargeable trucks in significant numbers, and Ballard Power has successfully tested a … Read more

Electric Vehicle Market Looks Ahead to New Offerings in 2022

Brian McCowan, DNV, 1/6/2022 Newsweek reports that over a dozen new fully electric vehicles will enter the US market in the coming year. Some of that growth is associated with manufactures new to the market, such as Rivian and Fisker, and some is represented by new models introduced by current market actors such as Tesla, … Read more

California Set to Phase Out All New Non-EV Car Sales

washingtonpost.com, 9/25/20. California, the world’s fifth-largest economy and the state that created U.S. car culture, will stop selling gasoline-powered automobiles within 15 years, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced Wednesday. Facing a record-breaking wildfire season as well as years of heat waves and droughts exacerbated by climate change, the Golden State is seeking to accelerate the … Read more

6/3 Webinar: Modeling the Grid Impacts of EV Charging

grid impacts EV charging

This webinar will share analytical modeling enhancements, including detailed facility-level load shape analysis, that can help identify the optimal integrated operation for EV charging, DERs, and other dynamic loads within a facility, and estimate the technical, financial, and environmental performance of a proposed hybrid DER system.

Episode 5: Exploring Electric Vehicles – Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Combustion Engines

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Season 1: Episode 5 | January 3, 2020 Electric vehicles are gaining in market share across the USA, but the transition presents its own set of challenges for utility and city infrastructure. Gita and Elihu speak with Walter Schaefer, ERS, on the roadmap for electric vehicles. Featured image by Marek Studzinski from Pixabay

EVs 102: What You Need to Know

Taylor Patterson, ERS Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles As with any technology, electric vehicles (EVs) have their own list of advantages and drawbacks. Pros: Cons: – Elimination of tailpipe emissions– Minimal operational costs– Lower maintenance costs– Convenient at-home charging– Unique driving experience – Range anxiety– Recharge time– Accessibility of charging station– Higher upfront cost … Read more

Cleaning Up Electric Vehicles

This article was written by Christy Lewis and Peter Bronksi and was published on watttime.org on September 17, 2019. It’s the 9th annual National Drive Electric Week (NDEW)! More than 300 events—mostly throughout the United States, but also in a growing number of locations around the world—will offer consumers a chance to learn about, test drive, and … Read more

The Northwest Works to Electrify its Transportation Systems


Electrifying the Transportation Sector in the Northwest Written by Carol Winkel, nwcouncil.org, December 3, 2018 At its October meeting, Council members heard from representatives from Link Transit and Chelan PUD on their efforts to electrify transportation in the Northwest. Although demand for electricity from the transportation sector is currently limited in the region, growing sales of electric … Read more

Three Ways Blockchain Can Save Energy

How can blockchain save energy? Here are three possible ways. Written by Ethan Rogers, aceee.org, October 16, 2018. Blockchain is generating a lot of buzz as a promising system to verify and track peer-to-peer transactions in the energy sector. It could have multiple applications although there is still debate about which, if any, will work … Read more

New Cathode Designs May Increase Battery Performance

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“Hot” New Cathode Finding Could Boost Battery Performance Research opens up new possible designs for advanced battery cathodes needed for electric cars Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, June 2018 Lithium-ion batteries involve an intricately designed chemical recipe, one that scientists are constantly trying to improve. The latest tweak from researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and … Read more