Earth Day 2016: Take Control of Climate Change Yourself

Earth Day 2016

Amber Plante, ERS,  for Zondits. April 21, 2016. Image credit: Josch13 With the historic signing of the Paris Agreement this April 22, 2016, the role of reducing carbon emissions falls more squarely on the shoulders of everyday citizens than ever before. Taking this responsibility seriously and leaving a better footprint in which our children’s children can walk … Read more

Paris Climate Agreement to Mark Historic Earth Day

Paris Climate Agreement

Amber Plante, ERS, for Zondits. April 21, 2016 All eyes will be on United Nations headquarters in New York on April 22, 2016, as United States President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and representatives from approximately 150 other countries gather to sign the Paris Agreement, a historic document that tackles climate change head-on by reducing … Read more

Hillary Clinton Proposes Energy Efficiency Plan

Hillary Clinton

Clinton rolls out energy efficiency plan The Hill, February 2, 2016. Image credit: fancycrave1 Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign Tuesday rolled out a plan to increase building energy efficiency standards as a way to cut emissions and save on energy costs. The plan, her campaign said Tuesday, looks to improve building codes, provide more information about buildings’ … Read more

Obama Addresses Climate Change and Energy in the 2016 State of the Union

2016 state of the union

Obama On Climate and Energy in 2016 State of the Union Inside Climate News, January 13, 2016 Here are the parts of President Obama’s 2016 State of the Union address that were about energy and climate change, taken from the text prepared for delivery: But even if the planet wasn’t at stake; even if 2014 … Read more