States are the Laboratories of Clean Energy Policy

Angie Ziech-Malek, Zondits guest, 10/21/2022 With the recent enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act, and the Infrastructure Law that preceded it, the United States is about to embark on a large experiment with energy policy, funded by the federal government, and each state’s energy policy experiment will determine how these investments pay off. States are … Read more

EV History Part IV: 200 Years Later, Batteries Remain the Weak Link of EVs

Craig Farrand, Zondits guest, 10/19/2022 When Robert Anderson strapped a non-rechargeable battery and motor onto a carriage nearly 200 years ago (arguably driving the first EV) it also started a scientific frenzy to determine how to extend the life of batteries used for transportation. And here we are, two centuries later, and the frenzy continues … Read more

Technology Update: Electric Passenger Airplane Gets Off the Ground

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 10/17/2022 Late last March, Zondits reported that the all-electric passenger plane Eviation Aircraft Alice had completed engine testing and was being prepared for its first test flight. As often occurs with groundbreaking technology, there have been delays. But now Alice has been successfully test flown and Eviation Aircraft is moving forward … Read more

The Inflation Reduction Act Includes Dramatic Investments in Clean Energy

solar panel

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 8/18/2022 After what has often seemed a roller coaster headed off the rails, President Biden has signed the Inflation Reduction Act. Like everything in modern politics, the interpretation of the content, intent, and impacts varies greatly. Zondits has scoured analyses from multiple news outlets, progressive and conservative, to accurately summarize the … Read more

Toyota Defends its Decision to Pursue Multiple Paths to Clean Vehicles

Toyota EV

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 7/18/2022 Toyota has been under increasing criticism for not moving as fast as other manufacturers in developing and marketing EVs. Once considered a leader in cleaner automobiles with the introduction of the hybrid Prius in 1997 followed by a plug-in hybrid Prius, climate-conscious consumers have increasingly turned their attention toward 100% … Read more

Alia, The “Flying Battery,” Flight Tested

clouds from airplane window

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 5/6/2022 Last month, Zondits reported on Alice, an electric commuter airplane that is currently under development and is now scheduled to be flight tested this summer. A second airplane, named Alia, has joined the mission to bring clean energy to aviation. Alia, developed by Beta Technologies, is intended for cargo service … Read more

Electric airplane, Alice, set to begin test flights


Brian McCowan, Zondits Staff, 3/24/2022 Zondits has recently reported on electric snow blowers, mowers, and motorcycles. And now, here comes an electric airplane. CNN Business News reports that Eviation, a start-up firm based in Israel is in the final testing stages of their all-electric commuter aircraft named Alice. Alice’s engine was tested in January at … Read more

Hydrogen plays significant role in our Energy Transition

natural gas

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits Staff, 3/17/2022 Recent technical advancements point to an increased probability that hydrogen will play a significant role in the transition of energy away from greenhouse gas (GHG) producing fossil fuels. Gasoline and natural gas are both fuels that are targets for displacement by hydrogen. Major automobile engine manufacturers are working on hydrogen-powered … Read more

Powerboats are going green and getting quiet

A powerboat speeds along blue water, leaving a white wake.

By Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 3/3/2022. Many years ago, I visited a boat and outdoor equipment dealer in rural New England and asked if they sold canoes. The answer, delivered with a sarcastic tone, was, “We don’t sell anything unless it pollutes the air or water, preferably both.” Outboard motors have long been accused of … Read more