Technology Update: Electric Passenger Airplane Gets Off the Ground

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 10/17/2022 Late last March, Zondits reported that the all-electric passenger plane Eviation Aircraft Alice had completed engine testing and was being prepared for its first test flight. As often occurs with groundbreaking technology, there have been delays. But now Alice has been successfully test flown and Eviation Aircraft is moving forward … Read more

Mobile Battery System Launches to Mend Swedish Grid

This article was originally published on on May 18, 2020. Swedish battery maker Northvolt and state-owned utility Vattenfall launched a new modular and fully mobile energy storage system on Friday, one they say will be able to patch up stressed grids during a period of rapid electrification. While the system has a more obvious role to play in replacing … Read more

Tesla Delivers on 100-day Australia Battery Grid Promise


Tesla Fulfilled Its 100-Day Australia Battery Bet. What’s That Mean for the Industry?, November 27, 2017 Credit where credit is due: Elon Musk made a crazy, eye-catching promise, and he delivered. After a series of regional blackouts that shook South Australia in September 2016 and February 2017, a fierce debate emerged over how to manage the … Read more