Investigating the Incremental Costs of Ten Emerging Technologies

Valerie Eacret, ERS, for Zondits

ERS recently partnered with the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) to investigate the incremental costs of ten emerging technologies. The study includes full and incremental costs, as well as considerable, relevant technical information. Multiple research methods were used for each technology, including market actor interviews, web research, project invoice review, and a number of other strategies. The technologies studied are:

  1. Variable capacity modulating and VRF heat pumps
  2. Advanced LED lighting controls
  3. Home energy management products, smart thermostats, and Tier II power strips
  4. Advanced ultra-high efficiency roof top units (RTUs)
  5. Integrated dual system control thermostats
  6. Improved electric heat pump water heaters
  7. Advanced refrigeration compressors
  8. Compressed air system monitoring/diagnostics
  9. Gas-fired heat pump water heaters
  10. Synchronous motors (Q-Sync) for refrigerated cases

The full report and associated cost data spreadsheets are available here: