Ask the Expert: What Good Are Heat Pumps?

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits staff, 12/20/2022 Zondits spoke with Mark D’Antonio, Senior Principal Consultant at DNV, who is part of a team that is developing efficient clean technology approaches to decarbonizing the built environment. I live in a multifamily complex and the comfort level is not very good in the winter. I have heard that there … Read more

Practical Nuclear Fusion Energy – One Giant Step Closer

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 12/15/2022 U.S. Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, has announced a scientific breakthrough at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that may pave the way for commercial nuclear fusion reactors. In 1980, I was managing a solar energy training program for a branch of the DOE. At the same time, my physicist brother was … Read more

Renewable Energy Predicted to Surpass Coal as the World’s Largest Source of Electric Generation

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 12/12/2022 According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), renewable energy is on a course to become the world’s largest resource for electric generation by the year 2025. Coal is currently the largest source of fuel for electrical generation, but as renewables ramp up, the IEA predicts that coal, natural gas, and … Read more

Goldman Sachs Predicts a Profitable Market for Green Hydrogen

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 12/9/2022 Goldman Sachs commodity analyst, Michele DellaVigna, has told CNBC that a combination of market forces and the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) are combining to make “green hydrogen” a profitable energy alternative. DellaVigna anticipates that green hydrogen will join renewable technologies, such as wind and solar, in a “turning … Read more

Brass Tacks on the Crypto Shift of the Decade

GianGabriel Masoni Dobles, Zondits staff, 12/6/2022 Cryptocurrency has long been criticized for the outsized energy usage involved in verifying transactions and the generation of tokens. In what essentially amounts to an ongoing civil war between radically different approaches to blockchain architecture, one can read volumes on the distinction between proof-of-stake versus proof-of-work for building consensus. … Read more

Cryptocurrency Ethereum Reportedly Cuts Energy Usage by 99%

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 12/6/2022 Cryptocurrency has long been criticized for the outsized energy usage involved in mining new coins and verifying transactions. But now CNBC and other news outlets are reporting that one of the largest cryptocurrency operations, Ethereum, has adopted new algorithms that dramatically decrease energy consumption. The revised system for minting new … Read more

EVs May Challenge the Nation’s Electric Grid, But May Also Help

Craig Farrand, Zondits guest, 11/29/2022 As the Rolling Stones once sang, “Ti-i-i-me, is on my side, yes, it is!” And the same can be said for the challenge facing the nation’s electric grid when it comes to handling the ever-increasing demand of electric vehicle charging at home and on the road. Clearly, EVs are and … Read more

Turn Off, Plug In, Hang Out – Expanding My EV Comfort Zone by Learning to Fast Charge

Zondits Clean Energy Journal. This is the first entry in a new Zondits feature that invites our readers to contribute personal experiences in their clean energy journey. Zondits wants to know: What clean energy technology have you personally experienced in your life and what’s your take on it? Send your submissions to The following … Read more

Ask the Expert: What is Decarb, Really?

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 11/15/2022 Zondits spoke with Gary Epstein of DNV who leads an initiative to assist utilities, businesses, and governmental entities with meeting their decarbonization goals. I am often hearing the terms decarb and decarbonize either in reference to the economy or buildings. But I am not clear on what it really means. … Read more