Utility Bill Triage & Standby Rates

Matt Arisohn, Zondits guest, 4/25/2023 Matt Arisohn is the President at Next Energy World, LLC where he works with commercial customers to obtain higher energy efficiency levels, install clean energy systems, and reduce costs. This article has been edited from a blog entry posted by Matt, https://new-sustainability.com/f/utility-bill-triage-standby-rates. During this past winter, electric and natural gas … Read more

IAQ – Let’s Do The Easy Stuff First

Jeremy McDonald, Zondits guest, 4/17/2023 Since the onset of the pandemic, we in the HVAC industry have wrestled with far-reaching improvements to our HVAC systems. Increasing ventilation air exchange, implementing air cleaning devices, and related investments are all important strategies to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) and protect building occupants. However, recognizing that IAQ issues are … Read more

Coal Ash Landfills; Closing a Dangerous Loophole

Matt Montalbano, Zondits guest, 4/7/2023 Coal ash landfills are known sources of groundwater pollution, and the pollutants involved include arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and lithium. A loophole in EPA regulations has allowed hundreds of existing coal ash landfills to be operated without the safeguards required of new landfills. Thanks to concerned citizens, that may soon … Read more

Renewable Energy is Booming in China – But so is Coal

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/4/2023 China is leading the world in the completion of renewable energy projects. In 2022, China added almost as many renewable energy projects to the grid as the rest of the world combined, according to the Global Energy Monitor (GEM). GEM is a non-profit organization that tracks energy projects and fuel … Read more

Zondits Exclusive: An Interview With the Owner of the ‘Take a Nap’ Store

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2023 Zondits was recently in Florida covering a national clean energy conference when we learned that the retailer Take a Nap (TAN) was stockpiling gas cook stoves in anticipation of federal government restrictions. For reasons that will become clear, TAN operates much like a speakeasy, but Zondits had a line on … Read more

Now You Can Use Your Renewable Energy Credits to Buy Gasoline Gift Cards

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2023 Gasoline and diesel retailer Finite Fuels, LTD has introduced a gasoline gift card that can be purchased with renewable energy credits. The card, which is available in $25 and $50 denominations, can be used at thousands of gasoline stations that sell Finite Fuels’ generic brand products. Francis Fable, the CEO … Read more

Scientist Proposes Repositioning Earth’s Orbit to Counteract Climate Change

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2023 In what seems like science fiction, a noted astrophysicist has published a hypothesis that repositioning the Earth’s orbit may be the only remaining way to combat climate change. Dr. Giovanni Dubiosi, a prize-winning professor emeritus from Southern North Dakota University in announcing his findings, states, “We must face the reality … Read more

Rolls-Royce Obtains Funding to Develop Moon-Based Nuclear Reactor 

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 3/30/2023 Iconic British manufacturer, Rolls-Royce, plans to install a nuclear reactor on the moon. The firm has announced that they have secured £2.9m (approximately $3.5m U.S.) in funding for the project and intends to have the reactor operational by 2029.  In 2022, the U.S. announced similar efforts in supporting three firms, … Read more

Some Complain That iPhones Are Too Smart and Too Woke

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 3/27/2023 “Apple is forcing its ESG bull**** on its users. Don’t let them dictate how you use your $1000 phone,” tweets one angry consumer. Another tweets, “I only want to charge when coal and oil are being used to generate electricity.”  Those tweets are in reaction to the news that newer … Read more

CNBC Publishes Series on the Need for a National Macrogrid

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 3/9/2023 In a clear sign that power grid issues are becoming a concern to more than just “energy wonks,” CNBC, the widely read internet journal and broadcast network is publishing a multi-part series on problems associated with the grid and the nation’s climate change goals.  The series titled, Transmission Troubles, makes … Read more