Clearing the Way for Electric Snow Blowers

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 1/21/2022. The market for new snow blowers in the United States and Canada is projected to grow to $865 million in annual sales by the year 2026 according to market research firm Arizton. Clean power advocates would like to see a major share of the snow blower market transition from gasoline … Read more

Electric Lawnmowers are Changing the Landscape

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 1/14/22 Electrification – More than Heat Pumps and Automobiles News regarding the transition to electric end uses and the associated reliance on renewable energy typically focuses on automobiles and heat pumps. As the Zondits articles on electric backhoes illustrates, many additional opportunities exist for adopting the use of rechargeable electric equipment. … Read more

Electric Chainsaws Tearing Up the Market

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits Staff, 1/13/22  Next up in the Zondits series on residential outdoor equipment is the chainsaw.  If you have had the experience of clearing debris from a bad storm, you know how indispensable a chainsaw can be. But conventional gas-powered chainsaws are notoriously loud and seriously polluting. Who can ignore that din of … Read more

Electric Vehicle Market Looks Ahead to New Offerings in 2022

Brian McCowan, DNV, 1/6/2022 Newsweek reports that over a dozen new fully electric vehicles will enter the US market in the coming year. Some of that growth is associated with manufactures new to the market, such as Rivian and Fisker, and some is represented by new models introduced by current market actors such as Tesla, … Read more

Electric Backhoe One Step Closer to Breaking Ground

Brian McCowan,, 12/03/21. In January 2021, Zondits reported that John Deere and the electric and gas utility company National Grid were jointly testing a rechargeable all-electric powered backhoe at Massachusetts construction sites. Testing continued through the summer with the backhoe performing a variety of trenching, digging, and loading tasks. In late September, John Deere … Read more

EV and EV Infrastructure Have Promising Future Under Biden, 4/20/22. President Biden announced the most extensive plan this nation has ever seen for the electric vehicle (EV) industry. He kept his campaign promise to invest in a more sustainable future by proposing the investment of over $174 billion in the EV market. That budget will be responsible for building out a new network of 500,000 EV … Read more

E-powered Backhoe to be Tested on National Grid Project Sites, 1/11/21. John Deere, a manufacturer of construction equipment, and National Grid, an electricity, natural gas, and clean energy delivery company serving more than 20 million people throughout the Northeast, will joint test an electric backhoe concept. The John Deere developed, battery-powered, electric vehicle design – referred to as E-Power – will target the ease of operation and … Read more

Freight Electrification to Get Wheels in Motion for Big Transition, 12/14/20. The freight sector presents a unique opportunity to realize the widespread advantages of transportation electrification and reap a host of national security, economic, emissions reduction, and public health benefits. But doing so will require a collaborative effort across manufacturers; utilities; federal, state and local policymakers; the trucking and goods delivery industries; and the … Read more

Building Electrification: Why is it Such a Hot Topic in Efficiency?, June 5, 2020. Buildings were first electrified nearly 150 years ago. So, why is it that “building electrification” is now among the energy industry’s most popular buzzwords? Most buildings run on multiple fuels. They use electricity to power lights, refrigerators and electronic devices. And they consume fossil fuels such as natural gas or propane to power … Read more

Preparing for the Fast-Approaching Takeover of EVs

Originally published on, July 29, 2020. RICHLAND, Wash.—Electric vehicles are coming—en masse. How can local utilities, grid planners and cities prepare? That’s the key question addressed with a new study led by researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office. “While … Read more