Formula E – A Racing Testbed for Electric Vehicles

formula E

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 6/27/2022 For proponents of clean energy, the sport of automobile racing has always been a controversial subject. For some, it is a waste of precious energy resources, but others view it as contributing valuable research and development (R&D) for improving the efficiency of automobiles. That discussion has recently taken on a … Read more

Charge While You Drive: The Rx for Range Anxiety?

on-road charging

Angie Ziech-Malek, Zondits staff, 6/17/2022 In what is sure to be a scene repeated in many households in many countries over the next few years, my husband and I recently sat down to discuss if we were ready to go all-electric for our next vehicle. Our 15-year-old car had lost its reliability and, given that … Read more

Can the U.S. Electrical Grid Handle the Growth in EVs?

electric grid

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits staff, 5/27/2022 Grid Capability – Is the Nation’s grid able to support the explosive growth of electric vehicles (EVs) projected in the coming years? It’s a frequent question that arises and it’s an important infrastructure question to answer. Several automakers are projecting that millions of new cars and trucks over the next … Read more

Will Direct Lithium Extraction be a Driver or Passenger in Electrification?

lithium mining

Matt Montalbano, Zondits staff, 5/12/2022 Electrification in the transportation sector will be driven by batteries. And for the foreseeable future, specifically lithium-ion batteries. With the demand for electric vehicles (EV) around the world on the rise, producers will look to increase lithium extraction to meet the market needs. According to a World Bank Group report, … Read more

‘Take the Long Way Home’ EV Ad Steals Spotlight

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2022 Electric vehicle start-up Stidnoz has hired the PR firm Norbera, Dwaas, Bolond, and Amadan to produce their “Take the Long Way Home” advertising campaign. The ad agency is well known for its television ads for a popular dishwashing detergent that urges viewers to run their electric dishwashers every day even … Read more

New Electric Car Travels 1,000 Miles on a Single Charge

Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 4/1/2022 When Zondits saw the announcement of an EV that could go 1,000 miles between charges, we imagined a small, low-power car suitable for city environments. We were wrong. Its actually a big, black (other colors to be introduced for model year 2024) Cadillac with an engine more powerful than most … Read more

Electric Motorcycles: the Next Big Thing in EV?

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits staff, 3/25/2022. There’s a lot of buzz in the air about electric vehicles (EV), particularly cars, trucks and charging infrastructure. But another revolution is happening in the EV world, too – motorcycles. According to, the electric motorcycles market is projected to be worth $58.4 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth … Read more

Powerboats are going green and getting quiet

A powerboat speeds along blue water, leaving a white wake.

By Brian McCowan, Zondits staff, 3/3/2022. Many years ago, I visited a boat and outdoor equipment dealer in rural New England and asked if they sold canoes. The answer, delivered with a sarcastic tone, was, “We don’t sell anything unless it pollutes the air or water, preferably both.” Outboard motors have long been accused of … Read more

What Tune Is Your Electric Vehicle Playing?

Mark D’Antonio, Zondits Staff, 2/23/2022. You know that age-old question, “If a tree falls in the forest…does it make a sound?” Well, here’s a modern-day sonic question: “Since your EV doesn’t make (much of) a sound, should it?” Most of us think of electric vehicles as virtually silent, but it’s reasonable to ask if electric … Read more

A Massive Heavy-Duty Vehicle Charging Network Is Underway

Brian McCowan, Zondits Staff, 2/16/2022. The media focus on electric cars has been relatively intense this past year. Now, interest in electric heavy-duty vehicles such as buses and trucks is growing. All major manufacturers of long-haul trucks have announced plans to produce electric rechargeable trucks in significant numbers, and Ballard Power has successfully tested a … Read more